miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2009

It´s Christmas again

CHRISTMAS is around the corner, guys. I want you to click on the links to the right and do the activities. Next you will write here a comment explaining:
-3 things you like the most about Christmas.
- 3 things you hate about Christmas.
-5 things you normally do during Christmas.
-How do you celebrate Christmas and New Year's? Where? Who with? what do you eat?How do you dress? How do you feel?

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

Things I haven't done yet

At my age, there are many things I haven't done yet, but I wish I do them before I die. For example, I have never travelled to India, and someday I would like to go because I am interested in the culture and the food there. Next, I haven't swum with dolphins in the ocean, and that's an experience I don't want to miss, because I love swimming and animals and I think that would be very exciting. Finally, I have already learnt French and English, but I would like to learn another language, maybe Chinese. Is it too much of a dream for me?

Tell me 6 things you haven't done yet and why you would like to do them. Use the Present Perfect and words such as already, yet, never and also first, next, then, finally, etc.

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

What did you do yesterday?

Yesterday was a very busy day for me. When I was dreaming of Brad Pitt,the alarm clock went off. I woke up, came to school and taught 5 classes.... I was driving my car when I remembered I had no bread and stopped at the bakery. Then I went home, cooked lunch and ate with my family. At 5 o´clock I went shopping and two hours later I was working out at the gym. After a quick shower I fed my daughter, put her in bed and rushed out to meet my friends for dinner in my favourite restaurant. What a busy day.........! How about you? Write to me about what you did yesterday. Use at least 15 verbs in the past simple and past continuous.

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

Healthy lifestyle

Tell me about your healthy habits. Click here and write your answers to me. Please, number the answers and use complete sentences. Don't lie!

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

Curious British traditions

Most of the counties of Britain have an ancient custom or traditional festival at some time during the year, many have more than one. Below is one of the most unusual British customs and traditions. strange and funny. Please read:

Cheese Rolling

This event takes place in different parts of the country, usually on the Spring Bank Holiday Monday. A round cheese is rolled down a hill chased by competitors. The winner is the first person to grab the cheese. It is a spectacular to watch but hazardous to take part in, with many competitors ending up with broken arms and legs.

Now, look at the calendar of strange events in England and chose one. Read it and answer these questions about it:

1. What?
2. Where?
3. How?
4. For how long?
5. Why?

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Halloween Scary Stories

Dear students,
I would like you to read a Halloween scary story called "Dancing with the Devil". Then, do these activities:

1.- Find 10 irregular verbs.
2.- Write in your own words what these words mean: sparkly, preacher, determined, stammer, spin.
3.-Did the mother allow her to go to the dance? why?
4.- Why did the girl agree to dance with the man?
5.-What does the author mean by "he had spun the girl all the way to hell" at the end of the story?.
5. - Write a sentence or two to finish the story in a different way.

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

The Melting Pot

The melting pot idea is most strongly associated with the United States, particularly in reference to "model" immigrant groups of the past.

The "melting pot" metaphor implies both a melting of cultures and intermarriage of ethnicities yet cultural assimilation or acculturation can also occur without intermarriage. So African-Americans are fully culturally integrated into American culture and institutions. Yet more than a century after the abolition of slavery, intermarriage between African-Americans and other ethnicities is much less common than between different white ethnicities, or between white and Asian ethnicities. Intermarriage between whites and non-whites, and especially African-Americans, has long been a taboo in the United States, and was illegal in many US states until 1967.

Now, go online and find 3 examples of famous interracial couples and explain the ethnic group each one belongs to.

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

You Go, Madrid!

Madrid is attempting to host the Olympic Games in 2016. Madrid was one of the four candidate cities on the short list announced on June 4, 2008. The winning bid will be announced on October 2, 2009.
So, tomorrow is the big day when we will find out if Madrid will make it or not. We all hope for the best.
Please, go online and find out the answer to these questions:

1- Has Madrid ever hosted the games?
2- What Spanish city was the last one to host the games and when?
3- Where will the Olympic Games be hosted in 2012?
4- What 3 cities are currently Madrid´s competitors for the 2016 games?

Write the answers to me in full sentences.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009


Welcome to our English blog. Once a week we will work with the laptops and try to learn some English by using this tool meant to get you in touch with the English language and its culture. First, I would like to tell you what I expect from our blog, "Workit4":

- Have fun in class.
- Provide you with meaningful opportunties to write in English.
- Learn about current events, history, art, geography, etc of several English speaking countries.
- Practise grammar and vocabulary.
- Get to know you better.

Therefore, let´s start by getting to know each other better. Please write about yourself. Include information about:

- Your hobbies and interests.
- Your favourite music band, TV show and movie.
- Your favourite subjects and why.
- Your family.
- What you would like to be in the future.
- Why you want to learn English.
- What you expect from our blog.